We hope that you are well and getting excited about this weekend's AGM on Saturday 27th March at 1pm-2.30pm.
Register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
If you are running low on your signage and window stickers, please reply to this message to arrange for collection.
If you would like training for your role, we are able to host various online events to help you. Please contact us to let us know what you would like to know about.
Facebook Page
We now have a coordinator group on Facebook which is a private group called Greenwich NW Network - Coordinator Forum
For Coordinators not on Facebook, you can join the forum Join me on Slack – it’s a faster, simpler way to work. Sign up here, from any device: https://join.slack.com/t/greenwichnwne-34j7570/shared_invite/zt-nc3zyls2-TFmP01M14UmyfC5nsj35tQ.
This is an App that you can use, access resources and chat about specific areas with other coordinators.
I hope to see you this weekend, don't forget to reserve your space.
Best wishes